Friday, May 17, 2019

The remarkable piece of 1930s technology

The Junkers Ju87 better known as the Stuka was a remarkable piece of 1930s technology. This German ground attack craft first showed its potential in the Spanish Civil war. This two-man plane had the ability to dive bomb a target and act, in essence, as artillery support for ground troops.
Then in September of 1939, Germany showed the world Blitzkrieg- lightning war. The rapid, fast-moving armies of the Wehrmacht. It took Poland in 6 weeks and then in 1940, successfully invaded Denmark, Norway, the low countries and then, famously, France.

Throughout these campaigns the Stuka was present, tearing holes in enemy front lines allowing the infantry and panzers to keep moving. Not only were its weapons potent, but so was the built-in Jericho siren. This gave out a terrifying sound as the Stuka dived towards its target. Even if it missed, everyone learned to keep their heads down when they heard this sound. A vital psychological edge in a battle. It became the poster child of both Allied and Nazi propaganda as a weapon of war.

BUT, as soon as it became famous, it pretty much became obsolete. Scores of Ju87s were sent itih other German aircraft to fight in the Battle of Britain. here the Stukas' limitations were revealed to horrifying effect. It was fast compared to ground vehicles but slow and not very maneuverable when compared to the Hurricanes and Spitfires of the RAF.

BUT, as soon as it became famous, it pretty much became obsolete. Scores of Ju87s were sent with other German aircraft to fight in the Battle of Britain. here the Stukas' limitations were revealed to horrifying effect. It was fast compared to ground vehicles but slow and not very maneuverable when compared to fighter aircraft. Dozens were shot down, to no real advantage to Goering. It was eventually taken out of service.

The Stuka got a new lease of life in Operation Barbarossa when the Soviet air force was woefully behind the German one, but whenever the allies had air superiority, the famous Stuka was a famous sitting duck. It's an example of a piece of technology that became rapidly obsolete and yet has become synonymous with a period of history that on closer inspection was actually old fashioned even for the time.

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